Who called from the number +44 (207) 947-6000

Below is the caller ID information for 207-947-6000. Please feel free to leave any feedback. You can flag the number as safe or unsafe and leave any relevant comments concerning the owner of +44(207)-947-60-00

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Caller ID

(207) 947-6000


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(207) 947-6000



I thought I was clever and they got me like a little baby. I wasted a half an hour talking to them and stressing out. I only realized this is a scam when they started to rush at the end asking to pay te outstanding tax directly.


They call saying you didnt pay taxes hence inprisonment for 5 year and 29000 pounds fine


Like everyone else said, claiming I have outstanding taxes and an arrest warrant out. Haven’t been back in the UK for a couple months so wouldn’t know if I got a letter from hmrc. Called me from +44 7845 XXXXXX first then I hung up because I suspected fraud. He called me back from this number and was telling me case id and arrest code etc. Started to feel legit after he told me to go on the gov website and the number was there the same. I asked to call back after checking my documents and he sai


SCAM! My dad received a call saying, actually screaming at him that he had to pay £800 of taxes and that otherwise he would get arrested. As my dad’s English is a bit broken over the phone, he said that he couldn’t understand them so they screamed even more saying “ If you don’t understand and if you need somebody else to talk on your behalf, if because you are scared and you know you are wrong” . So my mum called me and I say to put the phone close to my dad’s one so I could hear and as soon


I asked him if he can contact me through email or can I search for the information online, only got a repeat answer that it is not a scam.


They first called me from a mobile phone number with a very elaborated scam about a tax fraud investigation - started by asking personal questions like address/name/Nationality, and then threateaned me to send the police at my house to arrest me unless I could pay a large amount of money immediately. When I told them I thought it was a scam, they became verbally abusive, screamed at me that this was serious matters,, and called me back (several times) with this so-called official courthouse nu


Hi ,I got a very scary call saying there an arrest warrant, the caller said he was an HMRC officer id 98561 name Kevin grant case no XXXXX XXXX arresst warrent 248 XXXXX he said I'm being arrested if I didn't confirm my details ,I was really scared when my daughter called the number it came up as a court number after given my address I realised there was something very wrong the guy was threatening me and telling me I'm being recorded if I hang up il be arrested ,I hung up and called HMRC who sa


Same as the others: Told I had an arrest warrant for tax fraud. Wanted money to clear the case and my name.

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