Who called from the number +44 (203) 739-9260

Below is the caller ID information for 203-739-9260. Please feel free to leave any feedback. You can flag the number as safe or unsafe and leave any relevant comments concerning the owner of +44(203)-739-92-60

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Caller ID

(203) 739-9260


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n/a n/a

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Variants of this Phone Number Formats

(203) 739-9260



Called my about 15 times while I was talking on another line. Called back and got some vague German answering machine and disconnected. Didn't call back after that


I’ve been called by this number multiple times since I arrived back in the UK on April 7 2021. I missed the call 3 times on different days and decided to block the number yesterday. However, This morning they called again and I picked up hearing someone say “hello”. I do think it’s a scam!


Similar experience to all other comments after entering in the UK after submitting form. Called everyday around the same time. At first I thought it was the govt but then it was a female robotic voice from far away confirming my name and saying I was being recorded. I couldn’t hear a thing and they hung up. Called back and it was an automatic all in German response. Definitely worrying, would recommend to block the number.


German speaker talking about tax, not sure


Like everyone else here, filled out passenger locator form and then the calls started, every day. Faraway female foreign voice, hard to understand. Called back and got message in German. Really annoyed that UK gov did not protect personal info.


Same experience as all here. They don’t leave a message which I feel like they would if it was a formal tracking service. German message when you call back. Weird.


When you call back the autom. Ans. Machine is in German saying Abbotts Diabetes Care


Claimed to be from track and trace even though the government website lists a different number. Foreign woman. When you try to call back, its an answering machine in German. When asked why the number is not listed on the website and why the recording is in German, the woman was flustered and ended the call quickly


Spam caller.


Missed a call, rang back to hit an answering machine in German. Definitely, not UK GOV

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