Who called from the number +44 (129) 560-5919

Below is the caller ID information for 129-560-5919. Please feel free to leave any feedback. You can flag the number as safe or unsafe and leave any relevant comments concerning the owner of +44(129)-560-59-19

Using our site you can find out the state, city, and operator of the phone number - (129) 5605919. If there have been reviews on the phone number before, then you can get information from the comment section about who called and whose number it is, completely free of charge. With the help of this, the reliability of the call can be assessed, as cases of fraud (scam) have become more frequent recently. The analytical data presented on the web page will help you quickly assess the dubiety of an unknown phone number.

Caller ID

(129) 560-5919


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Activity Timestamp
n/a n/a

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Variants of this Phone Number Formats

(129) 560-5919


Redrecks :

These people have been calling for days posing as NBN Telstra trying to give me and others a $879 refund as we have paid too much on the bills as they have automatically taken the money. Only problem is, is that I don't have automatic direct debit and know this scam. They are definitely Pakistani but have Aussie name's and it's a brand new guy ringing me who is forgetting he's supposed to be Australian and speaks in Pakistani when he hangs up. His first call started with "What do I say?" to the person training him. You could tell that he was badly reading his script. Someone rung the other day pretending to be David Miller who can't read the script properly. Then the other David Miller rung again today but I'm not playing their game and they are starting to get really annoyed and hanging up on me without saying a word now. They are calling from many different numbers so that I can't block them. This has ONLY happened within 24 hours after I updated the Do not Call register. The other numbers that they are calling from are (03) 9929 9224, (02) 4425 2862, (02) 4359 1599, (02) 4296 2125, (02) 0498 0810, (08) 9964 2929, (07) 4122 4946, (02) 6968 5058, (02) 6644 6964 and (02) 9418 4920 so you can't block them. But I'm sure as I mention that they are breaking the law and will be fined they will come out with something vulgar like they do and not call back. If they had called my home phone they wouldn't be able to get through as it's designed to stop scammers in their tracks.

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