Who called from the number +44 (117) 930-3100

Below is the caller ID information for 117-930-3100. Please feel free to leave any feedback. You can flag the number as safe or unsafe and leave any relevant comments concerning the owner of +44(117)-930-31-00

Using our site you can find out the state, city, and operator of the phone number - (117) 9303100. If there have been reviews on the phone number before, then you can get information from the comment section about who called and whose number it is, completely free of charge. With the help of this, the reliability of the call can be assessed, as cases of fraud (scam) have become more frequent recently. The analytical data presented on the web page will help you quickly assess the dubiety of an unknown phone number.

Caller ID

(117) 930-3100


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Activity Timestamp
n/a n/a

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Indicating a number is safe means it is a trusted caller, while an unsafe number would refer to a scammer or other unscrupulous caller.

Variants of this Phone Number Formats

(117) 930-3100



I'd had a few missed calls from this number. I thought it was unlikely to be anything important as no messages were left. When they called again I answered it because I'd been in contact with OVO about another matter and vaguely recognised the number. Unfortunately it was their call centre team with a rather abrupt lady telling me that my plan was due to end (in 3 weeks) and she wanted to tell me about the other plans I could move on to. I tried to be polite and listened to one of the plans, but then she wanted to tell me more and asked which one I would like to move to. I said I'd go away and do some research online and that I could change plans myself when I was ready. She seemed to take offense at this suggestion and went from being mildly pleasant to annoyed and a sort of 'whatever' attitude. The following evening I received another call from them, this time someone who asked me how I was, then said, 'oh and I'm fine, thank you for asking' (wtf?) He went on the same sales pitch, even though I'd told him I'd already spoken to someone the day before ('oh, we have no record of this'), and that I'd find a plan I wanted online later on. He muttered something and hung up on me! I've already reported this to OVO and have blocked the number.


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voice call saying it was the fraud squad, and that they had a criminal case against me, press one for more details , so they can proceed with the case. BEWARE EVERYONE as more then one number is being used for this SCAM!!

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